Support from 2hearts


2hearts began in 2002 when Pastor David from Northern Ireland discovered he had heart failure and needed a heart transplant. He researched his condition and medical treatments through the internet, and found an enormous amount of information, a great many support groups and endless forums.

Every need it seemed was met, except one – the one he thought was most important. Out of hundreds of sites visited, none offered spiritual support specifically aimed at the many thousands who live every day with the trauma of major heart illness.           

God opened a door for him to minister to such people through the internet. Now 2hearts reaches thousands of people every month and personally supports more than 70 families worldwide.

David waited for God’s time for a transplant and surprisingly to him and his doctors, the Lord had a different plan. Unexpectedly his health improved enough for the transplant plan to be put on hold. He still has significant health challenges that limit him greatly but he uses his life to support others. Each day, health permitting, he ministers to people around the world who are facing the trauma of heart illness.

Some testimonials:

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