2hearts history

Moira street

Articles and photographs of Moira, both historic and present day, are available on David's new website moirahistory.uk

David has spoken at public meetings in the community and the local school, and health permitting, is willing to consider invitations. His History presentation will always include something about the spiritual side of life in Moira in the past. Contact David

For such a small community, this village has had a far reaching impact on the island of Ireland and across the world. Since David became Pastor of Moira Baptist Church in 1995, he has developed an interest in researching the local history and has unearthed a host of interesting facts. A new book on the history is in the process of compilationand hopefully will be available soon

David's previous book

Footprints over Moira

Historical stories from 1000 years of life in Moira

LATEST: David's book "Footprints over Moira"

The book is now available on Kindle http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0053TCGIM
(Please be aware that the formatting process for Kindle will not produce
an exact copy of the print version, so there may be minor errors)

Click here to download the book in pdf format




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